The Arctic region is an ocean. Antarctica is land. When Arctic sea ice melts, will it affect sea level? What about when Antarctic ice melts? Experiment for yourself. Put an ice cube into a glass of water, and mark the level of the water. Does it change as the ice melts? Now put an ice cube onto a block resting in a container of water, and mark the level of the water. What happens to the water level as the ice melts? Test it for yourself!
After loooooong plane rides from all over the world to the northernmost reaches of Norway, we will meet in Kirkenes, Norway. We’ll board our ship, the Akademik Fyodorov, which will then carry us around the Arctic, reaching latitudes of nearly 86 degrees north – almost to the top!
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Throughout our cruise, we will literally be traveling around the top of the Earth. Take a look at the map of our expedition – imagine you are looking down on a globe at the ocean just north of Europe and Asia.
What might that environment look, feel, smell, and sound like? What are we trying to learn by being here, observing, making measurements, taking samples? How does the Arctic affect global climate? How does the global climate affect the Arctic? Who are the scientists that get to go on such an amazing adventure?
Come along with us on our Arctic adventure, as we try to learn more about this amazing environment – how we affect it, and how it affects us.
For now, even though we’re not there yet, have a look at the map and photos below. Each photo’s caption gives its latitude and longitude. Find the corresponding locations on the map below, and click to see videos of what those places look and sound like. (I’ll tell you later about these places using all the senses – the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feel.)
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At 80 degrees north latitude and 20 degrees east longitude is Svalbard, an archipelago 60% of which is covered with glaciers. It’s home to polar bears, reindeer, and lots of seabirds. Depending on our route we may not get close too this area, but maybe we will see some of these animals?At roughly 82 degrees north latitude and 60 degrees east longitude, we will come near a group of islands that is only accessible over a few weeks in the summer by ship. If you want to visit the islands, you’ll need a special permit from Russia.At 82 degrees north latitude and 130 degrees east longitude, it will be wide open ocean. With normally below freezing temperatures, it is frozen over most of the year, and is partially clear in August and September. Sadly, there is less and less ice each year, so we definitely want to understand this place.Check out this satellite image of 80 degrees north latitude and 160 degrees east longitude. Here we’ll almost be to the other side of Asia. The East Siberian Sea is home to severe climate conditions, low water salinity, massive ice fields throughout most of the year, and is one of the least researched areas of the Arctic Ocean. Good thing we’re going there.